unique basement renovation ideas

5 Ideas for Your Olathe Basement Remodel

If you’re itching to turn your unfinished basement into a space that will feel more like the rest of your home, but you’re not quite sure what you want yet, listen up. In the next few posts, we’re going to dig into a few ideas that are popular across the nation. This doesn’t mean that you have to follow others as you design your space. Actually, the opposite is true: looking at what others have done can help you see the unique additions or designs that can turn your basement remodel from standard to stand-out.

A Few Easy Ideas for a Basement Remodel

1. An easy way to think of your basement remodel is to make it an extension of the rest of your home. How would you configure the space if it wasn’t hidden away underneath the “main space?” How would you tie the spaces together to make them feel consistent?

You might even recreate what you currently have. For instance, maybe you want an open family space with a small kitchen; but you want that small kitchen to include a bar (alcoholic or coffee). Maybe you want or need more bedrooms to accommodate a growing or extended family.

Thinking of your basement as just another floor of your home, you can add living space without starting from scratch.

2. Or, you could go the opposite direction. Are you dying to experiment with a new layout or design concept? Like a sparkly concrete floor or an art studio, for instance? Maybe you want a sauna or a workout room.

These are examples of spaces we don’t normally see in a person’s home. Sometimes that’s because you need all the space available for a family’s day to day; but other times it’s because the idea is just too “out there” to make sense. But anything is possible in a basement space. Get creative, go wild–nothing’s off limits! (Except maybe ideas that don’t measure up to code, but that’s why we’re here!).

basement guest room

Your Basement Remodel: Think Outside the Box

3. You might consider turning your basement into an oasis for family and friends. If you have loved ones you’d like to see more often but they don’t visit because of hotel or other lodging expenses, you might consider turning your basement into a space that will entice them to visit.

Think about what you’d want in a temporary home: easy access to a bathroom with a shower and bath? A luxury tub, maybe? Or a library with comfy chairs and a coffee or tea station so they can unwind?

No matter what your loved ones would like in a home-away-from-home space, we can help you build it.

4. The world might not be your stage, but your basement could be! If you love listening to music and dancing, consider a dance floor as part of your basement remodel. Or, if you’re a musician, think about adding a stage. Or both: a stage and a dance floor!

It might sound extravagant, but pursuing hobbies and doing things that bring joy are keys to happiness. Having a space that nurtures your interests and hobbies can be a godsend when life becomes challenging; and having a space to share with others who lift your spirits is, too.

Creating a basement space that caters to your interests, no matter what those interests might be, isn’t frivolous. It’s attainable.

Stress-Free Basement Remodel Ideas

5. Or, you might want to just keep things simple. Instead of creating a space designed for one particular thing, you can create an open space that will accommodate many things. An open, comfortable space with the right furniture will give you and your family room to relax, watch TV or movies together, sleep, read, play board games…the options are as open as your imagination, especially when your space is flexible.

Stay tuned for more ideas, coming soon! In the meantime, if you’re ready to talk about your Olathe basement, reach out. We’d love to help. 

Things to Consider About a Screened-In Porch

Things to Consider About a Screened-In Porch

One way to increase your living space is to enclose spaces that are outside so that you can use them year-round (or nearly year-round). A prime example of this is turning your porch into a screened-in porch.

A screened-in porch is exactly what it sounds like: a porch (it can be either your front or back porch) that’s screened in. This creates a room rather than a simple porch. Here in Olathe, a screened-in porch won’t be comfortable in the depths of winter, but it can offer you additional living space in every season.

Should you consider adding a screened-in porch to your property? Read on to find out.

Question 1: Do You Want Extra Living Space?

Do you need more space in your home? While a screened-in porch won’t give you extra kitchen or bathroom space, it will give you additional living space.

What does this mean? It means that your screened-in porch could be a sitting room. Or a reading room. Or an office. The specifics will depend on your home and whether you have a front or back screened-in porch. But by turning a porch into a screened-in porch, you’re creating another room that can be use for multiple purposes.

Question 2: Do You Want to Increase Your Home’s Resale Value?

While it’s true that adding a screened-in porch to your home is an investment, it’s also true that it can increase your resale value. That’s welcome news if you don’t think your current home is your forever home.

Why does a screened-in porch increase a home’s resale value? It’s because outdoor improvements in general are a good idea. But here in Kansas, where summer is more enjoyable when we’re protected from weather and pests, having a screened in porch can increase a potential buyer’s interest in your property.

Question 3: Do You Want Your Home to Look More Interesting?

Sometimes the question of whether or not you should invest in a home improvement project comes down to whether or not you like how it looks.

Take a long, objective look at your porch. Does it inspire joy? Does it look as beautiful as you’d like it to? Or do you see areas for improvement?

Can you imagine having coffee on your screened-in porch on beautiful fall mornings? Or sitting with friends to chat late into a summer evening? How about being able to keep pretty and comfortable furniture in that space, since it will be protected from the elements?

Loving your home is one of life’s most simple but yet luxurious pleasures. If having a living space that combines the best of indoor and outdoor living appeals to you and would be joy and satisfaction to your everyday life, that’s reason enough to explore your options.

We’re always here to discuss your projects with you. If you’re curious about whether or not your space would convert to a screened-in porch well or if you can afford such an endeavor, give us a call. We’ll talk through things with you to better understand your goals, then share how we can help. 

Is Your Olathe Basement Ready for a Remodel?

Is Your Olathe Basement Ready for a Remodel?

If you need ample storage space in your home, an unfinished basement can be a godsend. But if you’ve thought of using that space for things other than storage, you may have wondered if remodeling your home’s basement is worth the cost and hassle. 

While every homeowner will have unique circumstances that factor into the decision, there are some common considerations that every homeowner should consider. Keep reading to learn more about the questions you should ask if you are considering a basement remodel project.

Why Do You Want A Basement Remodel?

The first question to ask yourself is: why? Another way to ask this is: what would you rather your basement be? 

The possibilities for what you can remodel your basement into are endless. Do you want an extra bedroom? A gorgeous laundry room? A movie room or game room? A soundproofed music studio? A gym? A yoga space? A library or writer’s den?

A basement remodel can truly be “bonus” space that reflects your interests and personality or it can simply add more living space. What’s important will vary from homeowner to homeowner.

The important thing to do is to put words around what you’re looking for. If you say “movie room,” does that mean a place for a cushy sofa and a wall-mounted big screen or does it mean theater seats and a projector that turns an entire wall into a screen?

Being as specific as you can with your “why” can help you determine the cost and timeframe of your project.

What’s Most Important In Your Basement Remodel?

If your primary motivation for remodeling your basement is to cater to your unique interests, your project will likely be very different in scope and execution than if your primary motivation is to increase your home’s resale value.

On average, a remodeled basement project will offer a return on investment of 75 cents for every dollar you spend. But that’s an average. If you build something very unique—like a music studio, for instance—you might limit the number of buyers who are interested in your home when you’re ready to sell. 

Determining what is truly important will help you prioritize your basement remodeling project. It will also help you explain to your contractor what your goals are and how they can help you achieve those goals.

Who Can Help You Remodel Your Olathe Basement?

Sure, there are lots of arguments for DIYed basement remodels. You might save some money in the beginning by doing the work yourself. You might even have a good time learning how to do things (if you don’t know already) and then spending evenings and weekends bringing your vision to life.

But think hard before you decide to go it alone. Have you thought about the city or county requirements for construction or remodeling? Do you understand why certain materials (hardwood flooring, for example) shouldn’t be used in a basement? Are you well versed in safety codes, escape plans, and the like? 

Working with an Olathe basement remodeling professional can take all those worries off your plate and allow you to focus on enjoying the process. If you’re curious about how we can help you turn your unfinished basement into the space of your dreams, give us a call!

Why Hiring a Professional Snow Removal Company is Good Business

Why Hiring a Professional Snow Removal Company is Good Business

It’s true: Olathe hasn’t seen as much snow as we have during some winters. Temperatures have been downright balmy, even on some days in December. But don’t let the mild–and unseasonable–weather fool you. It is likely that there will be snow at some point, and the need for a professional snow removal company. 

When that time comes, you can save time, aggravation, and energy if you hire a professional to remove it. If you truly want and need to DIY snow removal this year, we’ve shared some tips to keep you safe while doing so. But snow removal can be hard, arduous work. That’s especially true if you don’t have the right tools and equipment. 

Provides Access

Think of grocery stores when the forecast includes a snowstorm. The bread and milk aisles are empty. Toilet paper is scarce. People run out and stock up because they want to be sure that if they’re stuck and unable to travel, they still have access to the products they use.

The same is true with finding a snow removal company once the weather has already gotten bad. If you wait to call around after the storm hits, there’s a smaller chance you’ll find a company with room on their schedule to service your needs. There’s also the very real possibility that if you do find someone with capacity, it will take them longer to clear your snow. 

Having a company on standby ensures that when the snow comes, you’ll be among the first to have your snow cleared. 

Protects Your Budget

When you think about professional snow removal services, your mind might go immediately to budgets. How much will snow removal at your Johnson County, Kansas, business cost? How much do snow removal companies charge per hour? Can you afford to have a snow removal company on contract?

Those are all valid questions. The simple answer, to all of them, is this: it depends. Not all companies charge the same rate or operate in the same way. We can’t speak for other snow removal services in Johnson County or the Olathe area, but we can tell you that our business is an outward expression of what we believe. We are active members of the community and we treat others fairly. We’d love to talk to you about your snow removal needs. 

If we return to the grocery store in a blizzard scenario, you might remember news coverage of businesses charging more for basic items when they are hard to get, especially when there is panic because of inclement weather. 

If you wait until the last minute to hire a snow removal company, you might not get the best pricing. Why? Because their service is at a premium and the demand has escalated. 

Establishing a relationship with a snow removal company early in the season, and working with them year after year, can be easier on your bottom line than waiting until an emergency situation.

Provides Good Customer Service

In addition to being able to discuss your budget and find a solution that works for you, establishing a relationship with a professional snow removal service can improve business operations for everyone. 

How? Because you won’t be scrambling to get the sidewalks and driveways cleared, and customers can feel safe coming to your business. Employees will be able to come and go more easily. And the peace of mind you get from knowing that snow removal will be handled by a professional means you can focus on taking care of your clients and serving their needs. 

Customer service is an integral part of our business. We focus on both service to our clients and service to our employees. We charge a fair rate in exchange. We won’t always be the lowest price, but we don’t consider that a bad thing. We have employees that we pay so they can care for their families. We offer exemplary service, which  means we don’t cut corners. We’re happy to talk to you about our services and how they might fit into your budget. 

We’re always eager to talk about your projects, your needs, and your concerns. Reach out to start a conversation.