How to Select Olathe Outdoor Kitchens Cabinets

Olathe outdoor kitchens are a bit different than the kitchens we find inside our homes. See, your indoor kitchen offers numerous options and materials for homeowners to choose from. When you go outdoors, you have a lot fewer options due to one primary factor – Mother Nature.

While grilling outside is amazing, the only way your Olathe outdoor kitchens become your grill’s best friend is through proper material selection. Selecting wrong materials for your cabinets, countertops and more will lead to an outdoor kitchen disaster. 

How to Select Olathe Outdoor Kitchens Cabinets

  • Placement Preferences

No matter the material you select – less sunlight will always equal extra longevity. Make sure to design your outdoor kitchen with cabinets that receive as little sun as possible. Use angles and the direction of the sun to ensure your cabinets last just as long as your grill will. 

  • Materials Matter

The higher quality the material, the longer your cabinets will last. At Huston Contracting, we recommend stainless steel or marine-grade polymer when installing Olathe outdoor kitchen cabinets. Installing teak cabinets is also an option, but these types of cabinets will often need refinishing if exposed to a lot of sun.

  • Built Into the Frame

One popular outdoor kitchen design is building the cabinets into the frame or skeleton of the kitchen. This saves space and reduces the amount of work during the installation. As well, many homeowners shield cabinets from too much direct sunlight by using this type of design.

  • Unique Designs Welcome

One of the best parts about creating your custom Olathe outdoor kitchen is the ability to create a unique design. Many individuals add a refrigerator to the skeleton of their outdoor kitchen. Don’t be afraid to get creative when designing your space.

Olathe Outdoor Kitchen Cabinets & Designs

Your outdoor kitchen is your oasis. Get creative and design your space exactly how you want it. Just remember some basics of outdoor kitchen cabinets. High quality materials properly placed will save you money and energy in the long run.

At Huston Contracting, we strive to be the premier Olathe landscapers. If you have any outdoor kitchen design or development needs, we’d love to help you out. Get in touch today and let’s work on creating your ideal outdoor cooking mecca!